Simon Martin Hello Everyone Firstly, a couple of IT-related safeguarding items. I would like to remind all students that we have an IT equipment and system monitoring partner called 'E-safe'. This is another organisation external to ATTFE and it is staffed 24/7 to monitor and identify any inappropriate usage or comments on our IT equipment and systems. This means that on any of our ATTFE IT equipment, whether desktop, laptop, tablet, i-pad - whatever - on any of our systems, in any of our premises, or at home, or in fact anywhere in the world (because it is web-based) - any inappropriate usage is picked up and immediately reported to us. The report tells us the date, time, identifies the user and our device, and obviously what the issue is. It includes things like internet searches via Google and other platforms, and so on. I am raising it now because, with the changes that Covid-19 has brought, we are doing much more online, remote and independent learning, including using ATTFE equipment that has been loaned or borrowed, at home. Therefore this is a timely reminder that if using our equipment, and/or our IT systems, the provisions of the 'Acceptable Use of IT' code, which all students have signed, needs to be observed. We have introduced a new learner safeguarding and welfare facility called 'I Want to Talk'. This is a mechanism on our website that enables you to make online contact with us if you have any issues or concerns that you would like to raise/discuss further. If you select the 'Learner Life' tab, and drop down to 'I Want to Talk', by entering your email address (because we need to know who to get back to), a simple text box comes up that you can then type your message into. It is entirely confidential - no-one else can see it or would know about it other than us as the recipient. There is also a link to other advice and guidance contacts as appropriate.
Secondly, a note on a current topic of concern. I expect you have seen in the media that there is a great amount of general societal concern now about issues relating to sexual abuse, consent about sex, coercive control in relationships and sexual violence. There are some high-profile cases in the legal system right now. This also extends into education and you have probably seen media coverage about historic reports of sexual abuse in schools and colleges. At ATTFE we are committed to ensuring that learners and staff do not experience inappropriate sexual behaviour or language, and we are continuously working upon this to ensure that everyone in ATTFE has a common understanding and agreement about acceptable conduct, language and expressed attitudes. A dedicated NSPCC helpline is now available to support anyone who has experienced sexual abuse in educational settings or has concerns about someone or the issues raised. The dedicated NSPCC helpline number is 0800 136 663 and more information is available at: Dedicated helpline for victims of abuse in schools NSPCC.
Thirdly, radicalisation and extremism. We have presented quite a lot of material on this topic and the threats posed. However, we also need to know what support is available for vulnerable people who are at risk of harming themselves and/or others through becoming radicalised. The links below follow through to very short clips on the national Prevent programme, which is there for that very purpose - to help people rather than criminalise them. It is useful to know about if you had any concerns for friends, family, fellow students or even for yourself so please take just a couple of minutes to have a look at them.
Thanks Simon Martin DSL |