As many of you know, our community faces the persistent challenge of trying to obtain the belief, support and assistance of folks and institutions that may be in a position to provide assistance and resources to us. One type of conduct that continues to substantially interfere with this, is when victims disparage, harass and stalk other victims in the community and/or those trying to provide assistance to us (including attempts to classify other victims as perpetrators, etc.). (These types of accusations may also present unique legal problems for the accuser, including possible causes of action for defamation, tortious interference with business relationships and more.)In a few instances, this type of conduct has forever alienated professionals and others trying to assist us. To that end, we urge all victims to commit in 2019 to not participate in this conduct. Let's set a positive example for all. Your assistance is very appreciated.
Sent via Certified Mail/Delivery Recept (sic) 4 January 2018
David J. Glawe, Under Secretary Brian J. Murphy, Deputy Under Secretary Office of Intelligence and Analysis Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Washington, D.C. 20528
Mr Glawe & Mr Murphy,
After significant research, the undersigned have determined that the DHS is one of the primary organizations attacking civilians with psychological torture techniques, including stalking, gangstalking, harassment, and intimidation. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis has executive oversight of the Fusion Centers and Emergency Call Centers in the United States.
The undersigned represent the interests of more than 1,000 Targeted Individuals. We demand an explanation for these activities and compensation for pain, suffering, and illegal torture. A similar letter has been sent to General John W. Raymond, at the Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs.
As a leader in the DHS, we demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST your illegal activities, including the use of government personnel and any external groups, which may also be participating. Such operations are in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions (psychological torture) and numerous Federal & State laws.
This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER is to inform you that your harassing, stalking, and intimidation actions are illegal and will not be tolerated. We demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST. Should you continue to pursue these activities in violation of this CEASE AND DESIST ORDER, we will not hesitate to pursue further legal action against you.
This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER demands that you immediately discontinue and do not at any point in the future, under any circumstances, do the following: pursue, harass, attack, strike, bump into, brush up against, push, tap, grab, hold, threaten, telephone (via cellular or landline), instant message, page, fax, email, follow, stalk, shadow, disturb the peace, keep under surveillance, hack electronic devices, gather information about and/or block movements at home, work, social gatherings, in public areas, or religious functions.
You may have already violated numerous Federal laws, including:
- 18 U.S. Code § 2381; Treason.
- 18 U.S. Code § 2340; (c) Conspiracy to commit torture.
- 18 U.S. Code § 2382; Misprision of Treason.
- 18 U.S. Code § 2384; Seditious Conspiracy.
- 18 U.S. Code § 2389; Recruiting for service against the United States.
- US Federal Laws 18 USC § 2265 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC § 2261A Interstate Stalking, 18 USC § 875(c) Interstate Communications, 47 USC § 223(a)(1)(c) Harassing Telephone Calls in Interstate Communications
- 18 U.S. Code § 1961; Organized Crime Control Act of 1980. (RICO)
- Federal Criminal Statutes 18 USC § 2261A - Interstate Stalking and 47 USC § 223(a)(1)(c) - Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications
- Numerous State laws, defined below.
Should you choose to continue your current activities, we will not hesitate to file complaints with Police Departments and publicly expose your ongoing criminal activity.
This letter does not constitute an exhaustive statement of our position, nor is it a waiver of any rights or remedies in this or any other related matter.
We insist on your immediate compliance, and expect a written response within two weeks.
Signed, Richard Lighthouse - RLighthouse.com, Targeted Justice Advisory Board, RLighthouse@protonmail.com
Karen Stewart, Targeted Justice Advisory Board, jediflashlight2@protonmail.com
Midge Mathis, Targeted Justice Board Member, bellacoola@protonmail.com
Susan Olsen, Targeted Justice Board Member, comeflywithme@protonmail.com
Frank Allen - TargetedMassachusetts.org, frank@targetedmassachusetts.org
Vickie Miller, vmiller778@gmail.com
Caroline Nini, c.nini33@yahoo.com
James Hargrove, jameshargrove1234@gmail.com
Emma Green, amremusee@gmail.com
Frank Disisto, frankwdisisto@gmail.com
Steve Baysden, stevenrb@hushmail.com
Jennifer E. Marsh, jm4444@live.com
Linda Dean, Loudean@protonmail.com
Mike B. Piri, mikebpiri@gmail.com
M. Earring, earring.m@gmail.com
Angela Porcaro, spiritone777@optonline.net
Gia Porcaro, spiritbliss77@optonline.net
Jacqueline Meyers, jacmeyjesus@gmail.com
Targeted Individual Awareness - meetup.com/Targeted-Individual-Awareness; 1,037 members
Houston Targeted Individuals - meetup.com/Houston-Targeted-Individuals; 48 members
TargetedMassachusetts - TargetedMassachusetts.org
(1) DHS.gov, "DHS Support Implementation Plan for State and Local Fusion Centers, June 2006." - designated I & A as the executive agent for managing the DHS role in the nationwide fusion center initiative. https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/OIG_12-15_Dec11.pdf
(2) DHS.gov, "Relationships Between Fusion Centers and Emergency Operations Centers," page 3; https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/OIG_12-15_Dec11.pdf
(3) DHS.gov, https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/18_0817_ia_organizational-chart.pdf
(4) Richard Lighthouse, "The Governors of Gangstalking;" RLighthouse.com, December 2018, ISBN 9780463549049.
State Laws
This demand applies to all states, including:
New York: Note that your agency's behavior is a violation of New York State Penal Law Section 240.25 - Harassment in the First Degree, Section 240.26 - Harassment in the Second Degree, Section 240.30 - Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree, Section 240.45 - Criminal Nuisance in the Second Degree, Section 120.45 - Stalking in the Fourth Degree, Section 120.50 - Stalking in the Third Degree, Section 120.55 - Stalking in the Second Degree, Section 120.60 - Stalking in the First Degree, Section 135.60 - Coercion in the Second Degree, Section 105.00 - Conspiracy in the Sixth Degree, Section 120.15 - Menacing in the Third Degree.
Connecticut: Sec. 53a-181c - 1992, Stalking in the first degree, Sec. 53a-181d - 1992, Stalking in the second degree, Sec. 53a-181e - 1995. Stalking in the third degree, § 53a-182b. Harassment in the first degree, 53a-183. Harassment in the second degree
New Jersey: Code of Criminal Justice Title 2C:12-10 - Stalking, Title 2C:33-34 - Harassment.
Maryland: violation of Maryland State Code Title 3, Subtitle 8, Section 3-802 - Stalking, Section 3-803 - Harassment, Section 3-804 - Misuse of Telephone Facilities, Section 3-805 - Misuse of Electronic Mail, Subtitle 9, Section 3-901 - Visual Surveillance, Section 3-902 - Visual Surveillance with Pruient Intent and Section 3-906 - Divulging Private Communications.
Illinois: violation of Illinois Compiled Statutes Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.3 - Stalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.4 - Aggravated Stalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.5 - Cyberstalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/1-1 - Harassment by telephone, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/1-2 - Harassment through electronic communications, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/0.01 - 135/2 - Harassing and Obscene Communications Act and Chapter 720 ILCS 135/0.01 Short Title Harassing and Obscene Communications Act.
Massachusetts: violation of Massachusetts Criminal Statutes Chapter 265:37 - Violations of Constitutional Rights, Chapter 265:43 - Stalking, Chapter 265:43A - Criminal Harassment and Chapter 265:14A - Annoying Telephone Calls
Washington DC: violation of Federal Criminal Statutes 47 USC 223(a)(1)(c) - Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications; District of Columbia Code, Title 22, Section 504 - Threatened Assault in a Menacing Manner; Stalking
Virginia: violation of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 18.2-60.3A - Stalking, Class 1 Misdemeanor and 18.2-60.3B - Stalking, Class 6 Felony.
California: violation of the California Penal Code Subsection 646.9 - Stalking and 422 - Punishment for Threats
Texas: violation of the Texas Penal Code Subsection 42.072(a)(b)(c) - Stalking and Subsection 42.07(a)(b)(c) – Harassment