Thanks to those who have placed orders or are planning to do so for our Harvest Sale at the PACTS Store which is running now through November 1st. We have just received a new item, the Targeted Individual Awareness Ribbon with more designs and more items to come in the near future.
Also, some have mentioned difficulty with the Paypal tab at our website. If so, let me know and you may need to send a check or money order.
This just in... Thanks to Cliff, the director, cast and crew information for the upcoming "Gang Stalking" movie due to be released on November 27 has been published on IMDb at this link:
If you live in New Jersey and identify yourself as a targeted individual, send an email to targetednj@aol.com with your name and telephone number. We will be organizing a meetup at a location to be determined. We want to hear from you. Individuals from sister states welcome.
Thanks to Mariana Maritato for making the following service available for TI's:
Speech and Language Testing Provides Evidence for Targeted Individuals
Did you know that there is abundant evidence of speech and language impairment in patients with Schizophrenia and other forms of psychoses? In fact, language impairment is a well known hallmark characteristic of Schizophrenia. In the scientific literature it is referred to as Formal Thought Disorder. It has specific and characteristic patterns of impairments.
Getting comprehensive specialized speech and language testing can help with: 1) If normal, the report can provide court evidence that there is no speech/language impairment associated with Formal Thought Disorder which is a characteristic hallmark of Schizophrenia/psychoses. 2) If not normal, the report can provide court evidence of brain injury effects caused by directed energy weapons assaults. Most TIs are likely to test mostly normal, or near normal. But there are many types of directed energy weapons being used and some may cause more extensive brain injuries that may cause a language impairment. Even then, though, the language impairment may not follow the specific patterns seen in Formal Thought Disorder.
Because the patterns of Formal Thought Disorder associated speech and language are so specific as listed in the scientific literature, sometimes it may be possible to differentiate it from other speech and language impairments caused by brain injury, however, it can be difficult to tease these two apart and each case will vary.
NOW OFFERING 2 FREE EVALUATIONS! First come first served! Comprehensive testing involves about 10 hours of testing. Please note: Services are only available in the states I am licensed in, which are: Idaho, Arizona, California, Washington state, and Arkansas. You must be physically present (residing or visiting during the entire duration of testing) in one of the states I am licensed in to receive these services. Services offered online via secure teleconferencing. Free consultation available to help you decide if this type of testing is right for you. For more info, please see: http://salugeatherapies.com/targeted-individuals. Thank you!