Featured Funding / Grants
Regional Airports Program - provides regional airports or aerodrome owners/operators with grants of up to $5 million to enhance aviation safety and accessibility. Closes 12 December 2019.
- improve the safety of aircraft, operators and passengers using regional airports or aerodromes
- facilitate improved delivery of essential goods and services such as food supplies, health care and passenger air services
- improve the connectivity of Australia’s regions to domestic and global market opportunities
- meet the operational requirements of aeromedical and other emergency services in the region.
Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants Program - funding will be available to eligible regional show societies for the maintenance and upgrade of existing infrastructure and the building, purchase, rent or construction of new infrastructure related to the running of an agricultural show. Closes 12 December 2019.
Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants - Agricultural shows provide an authentic and accessible showcase of Australian farming. They are at the very heart of regional communities, bring rural and urban communities together, showcase new technology, and promote competition and improvement in agricultural sectors. Shows that collect less than $20,000 in gate receipts from each annual show will be considered to be a small show. Shows that collect $20,000 or more in gate receipts from each annual show will considered a large show. Closes 13 December 2019. The small grant stream will be used for projects seeking up to $124,999 ex GST in grant funding and includes: Category 1 - Small grants for small shows Category 2 - Small grants for large shows The large grant stream will be used for projects seeking between $125,000 and $500,000 ex GST of grant funding and includes: Category 3 - Large grants for small shows Category 4 - Large grants for large shows
Ageing Well Community Grants - if you're part of an incorporated, non-profit organisation working together with older people, you are invited to apply for Grants for Seniors and Positive Fellowship Grants. Local Governments are invited to apply for Age Friendly SA Grants. Closes 17 January 2020.
Grants SA – Minor Round - a one-off project funding program that provides grants to not-for-profit community organisations to improve community participation, wellbeing and quality of life for people living and working in South Australia. The Minor Round grants of between $100 - $10,000 are available for: Community activities | One-off programs or services | Volunteer development. Minor Round 2 opens on 1 December 2019 and closes on 31 January 2020.
Drought Communities Program - Extension - On 7 November the Australian Government committed to provide an additional $1 million each to 122 drought-affected councils under the Drought Communities Program. The government also committed $1 million each to 6 new drought-affected councils. The Drought Communities Programme - Extension is now open for applications.
The extension of the Drought Communities Programme will provide total funding of $250 million over three years from 2018-19 to Eligible Councils to deliver immediate economic stimulus and other benefits to targeted drought-affected regions of Australia. The program will support local community infrastructure and other drought relief projects for communities who have been impacted by drought.
Funding will target infrastructure and other projects that:
- provide employment for people whose work opportunities have been impacted by drought
- stimulate local community spending
- use local resources, businesses and suppliers
- provide a long-lasting benefit to communities and the agricultural industries on which they depend.
Each Eligible Council can receive funding for projects up to $1 million. Eligible Councils are listed on business.gov.au/dcp. The minimum grant amount per application is $25,000. Eligible Councils announced for funding up to and including September 2019 may submit more than one application. Eligible Councils announced for funding from November 2019 may only submit one application. The grant amount will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs. Projects must be completed by 31 December 2020. Projects must be in addition to the normal planned activities of the Council.
Dept of Veteran Affairs Veteran and Community Grants - to maintain and improve the independence and quality of life for members of the veteran community by funding projects that sustain or enhance health and wellbeing. Closes 27 February 2020.
Fishing for Tourism - Charter Boat Diversification Program - has been established to:
- expand and strengthen the charter boat sector by co-investing in projects to enhance charter boat operators’ offering as a tourism experience
- broaden tourism offerings that will be attractive to the domestic and international tourism and visitor market
- position the sector for strong future growth in the nature-based tourism sector.
Through the ‘Fishing for Tourism’ program, the State Government is committing $500,000 to support diversification in the charter boat sector. Closes 28 February 2020.
Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) - On the 29 November, the Minister for Health the Hon Greg Hunt MP released the guidelines for the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) - National Critical Infrastructure Initiative: 2019 Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure Grant Opportunity.
The objective of this competitive, national grant opportunity is to support new and innovative approaches to enhancing and improving clinical trial infrastructure (including facilities, research equipment, systems and services), and to extend existing or provide new clinical trials into rural, regional and remote areas.
Activities based outside of rural, regional and remote areas will be considered, provided the proposal can demonstrate the benefit to patients in rural, regional and remote areas. However, preference will be given to trial activities provided in rural, regional and remote areas.
Up to $100 million is available over five years from 2020-21 to 2024-25. The minimum grant amount is $5 million and the maximum grant amount is $100 million.
Applications for the 2019 Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure Grant Opportunity will open on 10 December 2019 and close at 5.00pm AEDT on 3 March 2020.
On-Farm Emergency Infrastructure Rebate Scheme - a rebate to drought affected farmers who invest in urgently needed on-farm water infrastructure. Closes 31 March 2021.
Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP e-grants newsletter seeks to provide individuals and community groups with an update on open grants. Click Here to view the e-grants newsletter for December 2019.
Grants SA - Grants for community organisations
Community Grants Hub - offers a simplified grant experience by improving how grants are administered across Government for the benefit of stakeholders and the community
Grant Connect - provides centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities
SA Tenders and Contracts - provides easy to use access to all publicly available bidding opportunities within the South Australian Govenrment.