Liz Barrett
Dear Learner,
I hope that you are keeping safe and well, as to your family members. The Covid situation seems to constantly be changing and at times it is hard to keep up with. It is therefore really important that as a college we remain cautious in all that we do. This approach is to keep you as learners as safe and as well as possible and likewise our staff. Keeping our distance from each other, having fresh air in our classrooms wherever possible, sanitizing our hands, wearing masks, and undertaking lateral flow tests remain as important now as when the government first introduced them. If you are unsure on anything, please ask your tutor.
Team ATTFE College are currently in the process of designing our 21/22 curriculum. Are there any courses that you would like to see delivered? If so, please phone 01623 441310 to share your views and thoughts, wherever we can we will then include these in our 21/22 curriculum design.
Safeguarding continues to be a priority for ATTFE, please always feel you can alert your tutor or a member of staff to any safeguarding concerns that you may have. Likewise, if you are feeling low or suffering with any mental ill health. Please do not suffer in silence. ATTFE College has a vast amount of experience to support anyone who is feeling low, depressed, or suicidal. We care greatly about the well-being of our learners are always here to help. If you are upset. Concerned ‘out of hours’ then visit our website ( and go to the ‘red button’. If you complete the form on the website linked to this, someone will be in touch as soon as possible to link in and help you. Please also find below the crisis contact numbers.
ATTFE College is incredibly inclusive in its approach towards learning and takes great PRIDE in all that it does. This month we have PRIDE as our learning theme. Keep linking in with social media to find out more.
Enjoy your weekend when it arrives,