David's Comment: Israel and the Nations Update
Passover is now behind us and life in Israel carries on as we move on towards the next national event, Yom Hautzmaut or Independence Day which this year is on May 14, the day in 1948 when the modern State of Israel was reborn, fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah 66:8. This will be the 76th anniversary celebration of that great day, a description that sadly most people in the world would no longer agree with.
As it was with Passover, most Israelis are going to find this Independence Day difficult to celebrate our freedom as a nation with the usual joy and excitement as in most previous years, because of the ongoing war in Gaza, the loss of more than 2000 loved ones since October 7th, and with our hostages yet to be released. Added to that Israel is still facing the threat of all out war with Hezbollah, and on alert for possible retaliation and a war with Iran. As well as these issues, Israel is a very disunified country at present, with wide differences of opinion between the religious and the secular, the left and right in politics and the differing views of what Israel should or should not do to secure a deal for the return of all the hostages. These differences of opinion even extend to the Jews who still live out in the nations.
Out there in the nations we continue to see more and more people being deceived by the unbalanced reporting of the anti Israel media, and moving from supporting Israel to supporting our enemies, who are proven terrorists, barbaric cold blooded murderers, baby killers and rapists, all guilty of horrendous sexual crimes against women and crimes against Humanity. Even support organisations for women who have been sexually abused, have not believed or wanted to take the cases of the Israeli women who were sexually mutilated, raped and killed. It seems that these people have very different standards when the victims are Jewish.
Now university students in a growing number of cities are being stirred up by the Islamic students to join the anti Israel protests, which are already violent, but have the potential to get totally out of control, to the point that the Jewish students, protesters, police and security guards are in danger of serious injury or even death. Already it is too dangerous for Jewish students and Jewish professors to attend their classes. This is happening in the most prestigious centers of learning, where these hateful and viciously anti Semitic students are supposed to be in preparation to be the next generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders - GOD help us ! This is only just the beginning, and is likely to spread and intensify, especially if the war continues and Israel goes into Rafah.
Accusations are now coming out that the anti Israel protest groups are being funded by the same evil people who were behind the Black Lives Matter chaos a few years back in the United States. The same people have been funding the political unrest in Israel since the beginning of 2023. All this is designed to turn the World, the Church and even Jews against Israel and advance the New World Order plans of the kingdom of darkness. Even more shocking is the fact the both religious and secular Jews of all ages are joining the protests against Israel. I saw an American orthodox Rabbi accusing Israel of Genocide and burning his Israeli passport.
Here in Israel we are watching closely and with great concern as the situation deteriorates almost daily. We see the Western nations turning against Israel with such undeserved hatred, all because of the way the media is reporting the war with the people who started it. There have been a few mistakes made by some soldiers, but generally the Israeli army is still the most moral army in the World, often risking the lives of our own soldiers to protect the people who support the enemy, and who would not do the same for Israel Jews or even for Israeli Arabs.
As we head toward Independence Day on May 14th, the pressure and manipulation by Islamic and international leaders is increasing on Israel to agree to the Two State solution. The release of the hostages and the end of the war before Hamas is removed, is a major card being used to bring about the terrorist State of Palestine. If Israel gives into this, it will ultimately become One State when the rebuilt and re-empowered Hamas leads the Israel hating State of Palestine to fulfill their slogan of from the River to the Sea, and that would mean no more Israel, no more Jerusalem and no more Jews to invite Yeshua back with His own words from Matthew 23:39 Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD.
Please pray that the GOD of Israel comes to the aid of His nation and His people before they do their best to celebrate the rebirth of Israel on May 14.
The LORD bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to occupy and defend all of the land covenanted to the Jewish people by the GOD of Israel. Please pray that all of the Jewish people will turn back to their GOD and Messiah. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for a revelation of the real Messiah for the Muslims, and please remember to pray Angelic protection over all of the Israeli soldiers and pilots.
Shabbat Shalom ........ David & Josie |