David's Comment: Israel's 76th Birthday
Last Monday was Memorial Day in Israel as the nation remembered more than 25,000 soldiers who lost their lives in wars, including the current war with Hamas, and 5100 civilians who have died in terror attacks since the rebirth of Israel on May 14th 1948. This year thousands more Israelis mourned their personal loss of families members, neighbors and friends who died on October 7, or during the 7 months of war since that tragic day. As always, most Israelis stood in silent grief as a memorial siren sounded on Sunday evening and again on Monday morning.
From sunset Sunday to Sunset Monday, almost the entire country stood in somber solidarity with the families and friends of the victims of war and terror, who paid for the existence of Israel with their lives. Because the majority of Jewish Israelis serve in the military, almost every one knows a family that has lost at least one loved one, or lost a close friend, neighbor or co-worker. Annual memorial ceremonies were held in Jerusalem and at cemeteries around the country. Radio stations and television channels broadcast Memorial Day related programs. Many cafes and restaurants closed for 24 hours in respect of the victims of war and terror, who have paid that very high price.
Usually, as the sun sets on Memorial Day, the mood changes from sadness to rejoicing over the entire country as we begin to celebrate Independence Day. This year Israel celebrated her 76th birthday, but the atmosphere was not the same, as the recent loss of loved ones and friends, the ongoing war in Gaza and rocket attacks in the north and south of the country,130 of our people still captive in Gaza, and the rapidly rising international hatred of Israel weighed heavy on the hearts of Israeli Jews. For many people this overshadowed the joy of the birthday celebration. However some official events did go ahead in Jerusalem and other locations, and many families and friends went ahead with their traditional picnics and barbecues, but again at most of these events the mood was not the same, as people remembered the last 7 months, and wondered what the months ahead hold for Israel and the Jewish people.
Apart from Messianic Jews and perhaps some of the religious Jews, most of the other Israelis who celebrate lndependence Day every year are missing the most important aspect of the day - that we are celebrating one of the greatest miracles of all time. Of course the greatest miracle of all time is the resurrection of Yeshua after 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. Along with the parting of the Red Sea after GOD set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt, the restoration of the nation of Israel qualifies to be counted as one of greatest miracles of all time.
Israel was exiled in Babylon 70 years when the LORD showed the prophet Ezekiel the vision of the valley of Dry Bones in chapter 37. In verse 11 we read that the Dry Bones are the whole House of Israel. And as Ezekiel obeyed the LORD and prophesied over the bones they began to come back to life and rose up to be an exceedingly great army in verse 10.
After the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 AD the land of Israel was desert and swamp for nearly 2000 years, but today the land produces a huge amount of fruit and vegetables and is full of Jewish people. Ezekiel 37:12 - 13 Therefore prophesy and say to them, So says the LORD: Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, and will bring you into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the LORD when I have opened your graves, O My people, and have brought you up out of your graves. What kind of people do we find in graves ? - dead people ! A dead land and a dead people have come back to life, Actually it is not Restoration - it is Resurrection, and it can only be a GOD ordained miracle !
I believe that the almost 9 million Jews who live in Israel today are a part of the fulfillment of the exceedingly great army of Ezekiel 37:10, but most of them don't have the Spirit of GOD in them yet, so the Resurrection process is not fully completed. Ezekiel 37:14 I will put My Spirit in you and you shall live.
Your 76th Birthday gift to Israel: There are still millions of Jewish people out there in the nations who need to return to the Promised Land, and the vast majority of Jews are do not have the Holy Spirit living inside of them. As you mourn and rejoice with the people of Israel, the best birthday gift you can give them at this time is your prayer support. And there is much to pray for ...
Pray for the millions of Jews still living in the nations to come home to the Promised Land that GOD covenanted to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Pray for the Salvation and filling of the Holy Spirit for the almost 9 million Jewish people living in Israel and those who will return in the days ahead.
Video - We are a miracle
The LORD bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to occupy and defend all of the land covenanted to the Jewish people by the GOD of Israel. Please pray that all of the Jewish people will turn back to their GOD and Messiah. Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for a revelation of the real Messiah for the Muslims, and please remember to pray Angelic protection over all of the Israeli soldiers and pilots.
Shabbat Shalom ........ David & Josie |