Thessaloniki International Fair (Open stage of Pavilion 14)
Panel Discussion 1 | 10:00-11:00 Startups: The journey from inception to exit and how it can impact an ecosystem
Prof. Panayiotis (Panos) H. KETIKIDIS, Ph.D Vice President for Research and Innovation CITY College, University of York Europe Campus & Co-Founder of the Hellenic Business Angels Network (HeBAN)
Larry Cutler CTO & Co-Founder Baobab Studios
Nicolas Perony Principal Engineer - Community Solutions Unity
Anastasia Ailamaki Professor of Computer Science at EPFL, Co-Founder & CEO at RAWLabs S. A.
Toli Lerios Serial Entrepreneur
Dimitrios Kourtesis Founding member of HeBAN & Partner, Ideas Forward
Panel Discussion 2 | 11:00-12:00 Transition to Impact Investing and Responsible Start-ups for a Sustainable Future
Dr Simos Veloudis Senior Researcher, South-East European Research Centre (SEERC) & Associate Professor, CITY College, University of York Europe Campus
Jill Ford Investor
Stephen Ciesinski Private Investor and Educator
Mark Ryan Digital Ethics Researcher Wageningen University & Research
Mihalis Boutaris Entrepreneur
Panayiotis Ketikidis Co-Founder of the Hellenic Business Angels Network (HeBAN) & Chairperson of SEERC